May 9, 2008

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides. ~W.E. Johns, The Passing Show

I seeded on the evening of 5.5.08
I ran out and seeded the moment I got home. It only took me about 30 minutes to put all the money I shouldn’t have spent on seeds, in the ground. All that money is just sitting in dirt, waiting. And then it rained for two days straight. That sounds like a good thing but It’s not. My seeds are swimming in water. They could be rotting away. It’s humid, hot and rainy. You would think this the ideal for germination… but I find myself stressing about these stupid seeds sitting in the dirt. These pictures inculed are simply informative. I'm sure you don't speek the crazy garden language yet. Now keep in mind that these are of flowers that have been around for at least 3 years. It takes years to get most flowers to bloom this well.

Seeded :




African daisy’s



Sun Flowers

Holly Hocks

Sweet pea

Watermelon, Cucumber, Tomato , Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Pepperchiny’s, Squash, Lettucel, Pumpkins an many more flowers.